Monday, May 08, 2006

Money IS Everything

We had an interesting conversation the other day at lunch. My roommate has gone to London for training and he is not able to adjust there (weather,food,time zone,etc...). The topic of discussion was whether it is worthiwhile to leave your country for a job, just for the money.The discussion itself lasted for 10 minutes but a phrase came up which I have heard so many times and still am not able to agree to - "Money isn't Everything".

My view :
Try saying that phrase "Money isn't Everything" to a roadside beggar. I bet he will throw his bowl at you.Try saying it to the father who is struggling to make enough money to get his daughter married; or to the parents whose only child is suffering from a rare disease and they can't afford treatment; or to the poor farmer ........ you get the drift.

I know these may be extreme cases and many may differ with me saying that the phrase is not meant for everyone.I totally agree with you. Let me modify it for you -
"Money isn't everything for those who have enough of it."

What is your view ?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Change is the only thig permanent in life.

I think money also changes its form for different people at different times. Today it may be everything for me, i earn today to support my family and money for my family is my only driving force. So money has a definite importance in my life but still i may not term it as everything. Tommorrow after i have earned a lot then it may not be even something for me.

Hence i say "everything for someone but nothing for one" and we have to travel quickly from being someone to being that one.

What say???

11:33 PM, May 08, 2006  
Blogger Sara said...

True Vishal,
We'll regret for both of them, for not having too much money and having too much of it.personally, i feel that money is needed to keep your life going,there is a thin line where we need to recognise that" Money is'nt everthying".if we fail to recognise at that point, the greed of money will make you life a slave to it.

3:11 AM, July 17, 2006  

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